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My Journey

Fun Unlimited


Wild Life conservation in India

To maintain the ecological balance and to preserve the endangered species from getting vanished it is important to preserve the endangered wildlife by taking necessary action. There are various natural projects, wild life reserves, jungle lodges, nature camps are started by the government to promote wildlife and awareness to protect wildlife among the people. These projects help to encourage eco-tourism accompanying with the motto to preserve wild life.

The question arises why the protection of wildlife is so important and is needed?
Answer of this is the wildlife is a one of the most beautiful gift of nature to earth. They embellish the natural beauty in their unique way of existence and their extinction will lead to ecological disbalances. So, join hands and help to save the endangered species who are on the blink of extinction and thus save the mother earth.

Some of the wildlife conservation projects of India are Project Tiger ,Gir National Park, which is only habitat existing for Asiatic lions in India. The Kaziranga Sanctuary for saving the endangered Rhinoceros. There's Periyar in Kerala conserving the Wild Elephants and the Dachigam National Park to save the Hangul or Kashmiri Stag.


Get rid of acne problem today only

Acne is one of the major skin problems teenagers as well as adults, both men and women are facing today. Acne is a type of disorder of the skin. Acnes are developed due to dirt and pollution or even from and substance that does not suits your skin commonly known as allergy, from clogged pores and results to have blackheads or whiteheads, pimples or zits, cysts, and lesions. Numerous times the acne problems are treated either too seriously or they are taken very lightly by the people. People with sensitive skin can even suffer with the problem of scarring due to acnes, if not treated properly, so they should not be ignored. If home remedies do not work on acnes then it becomes necessary to take professional help from the dermatologist.
Varieties of acne treatment available in the market are bioskincare skin treatment, laser skin treatment for acne or chemical peels, some believe that proper diet is the most effective acne treatment and consuming enough essential fatty acids as it helps to control the production hormone which cause excess amounts of oil to clog pores and hair follicles. For inexpensive acne treatments there are also money back schemes.
Al l of the above treatments are good and can help to cure acnes but it entirely depends upon the choice of individual that which type of acne one has and how far the one wants to carry the treatment.



Dept management programs are the one which make the people learn how to manage their debts and planning their financial budget. More over finding a company facilitating dept management program is a wise choice for the people who are in debt or struggling financially. This program involves more than just telling about how to manage the debts. The total debt management includes financial budgeting and planning. This type of program is beneficial to those who have borrowed a huge sum from the creditors and are facing difficulty in repayment.

There are various debt management programs provided by various companies. Companies specialized in debt management provide various services, from counseling to consolidation, through debt settlement to aid those who are debt-ridden. But these programs aim at gradual elimination of debts. Debt management programs involve agreement, the term of the program, services available and debtors' financial status. There are two types of debt management programs available - secured debt management programs and unsecured debt management programs.

When a person opts for a dept managing program the company takes the full responsibility of managing all the debts of the client.Main focus of debt management services are on two aspects - to free you from debt burden and to save you from falling into debts in future.